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Need help navigating Chicago City Hall?
I can assist you now.


Thank you my friends, for supporting me in the growth of this new venture.  You have kept me too busy to publish a newsletter!  But this month I am announcing that my wife, Barbara Moore is joining the team.  She resigned her position as Executive Director of Democratic Municipal Officials, and together we hope to expand our client base and better serve our existing clients.  And, finally, start that newsletter we promised!  Stay posted.






It's hard to believe, but it's been one year since I left the Chicago City Council. The one-year prohibition on City lobbying that applies to all former aldermen expires for me today.


As you may recall, I announced last summer that I formed my new consulting firm, "Joe Moore Strategies." 


I'm using my 35 years of government experience--seven years as an attorney for the City of Chicago and 28 years as alderman--to help people navigate the labyrinths of municipal, county and state governments on a wide range of issues and concerns.


For the last nine months, I've applied the knowledge I gained working in government to assist clients in securing contracts and certifications from the State of Illinois, Cook County and suburban municipalities, and advised other clients on how to promote their policy agendas with legislators and government administrators.


I've also joined Diliberto Real Estate Services as the national director of its Municipal Economic Services Group, helping cities and towns redevelop their blighted and economically challenged communities through thoughtful and innovative marketing and development strategies.

I'm now eager to expand my efforts to the City of Chicago where I've spent 35 years accumulating knowledge and experience and  building relationships that will help ensure your needs are addressed by the right people and that you will receive a fair hearing. 


It goes without saying that the world has changed in last two months. Social distancing requirements brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic make it harder than ever to access the right people in government who can address your needs. That is why it's more important than ever to have an advocate on your side who knows how to get through to the right people and advance your cause. 


If you need help securing a City of Chicago contract or making sure the City's regulatory environment is fair to your industry, or simply want to make sure your voice is heard by the right City of Chicago decision-makers, I am happy to assist you. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

I am at your service.




Joe Moore   





©2023 by Joe Moore Strategies, LLC. 

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